siapakah aku?

Aku adalah seorang HAMBA dan juga seorang khalifah...

Thursday, February 23, 2012



so,2 more paper to go

the climax of this examination

the so-called-final-mbbs

i need miracle from Him

to Him and only Him i turn my head to

pray for me

pray for us

hopefully my plan is same wif His plan

but He is indeed THE BEST PLANNER



Wednesday, February 15, 2012

human do change!


*juz think out loud from mr-brain*

yes!human do change

its juz the matter of

become better
or worst!

so its up to us

u choose

its ur pick

today yes,

maybe we can claim

we're 1000 times better than others

but next day

we wont know

what happen to us

what road do we travel

what choice do we take

what talk do we chat

bcoz our 'hati' belong to Him

and dis 'hati'

always change
(bersifat tidak tetap)


we've always have to pray



really hard

so we wont be run away

wont turn our head

our face

from our Rabb


we want to die as a


lets us become better

day by day

moment by moment

though its hard

but Allah promise us

He'll forgive aaallllll our sin

as long as we didnot syiirik to Him

we are in charge of our own behavior

until d day we meet with our Creator

O Allah,im not ur most faithful servant,
i commit sins yet i tell people not to
forgive me
and strenghtned my imaan


p/s: tawakall untk paper2 yg berlalu,smoga pemeriksa2 kertas murah hati,x nmpak kesalahan2 kami,
:mohon doa supaya dipermudahkan untk paper2 yg akan datang,,amiin
:smoga Allah redha

Sunday, February 12, 2012



so heres d final of mbbs come,,,
13th march to 1st april

smoga perancangan kami sama dengan perancangan sang pencipta,,,amiin
Allaahumma Laa Sahla Illaa Maa Ja’altahu Sahlaa Wa Anta Taj’alul Hazna Idza Syi’ta


“Ya Allah, tidak ada kemudahan kecuali apa yang Engkau jadikan mudah. Dan apabila

Engkau berkehendak, Engkau akan menjadikan kesusahan menjadi kemudahan.”

Monday, February 6, 2012

i heart you...


mari menghayati video yang hebat ini!

*mode mabuk post-minum-redbull*