ya Fattah,Ya Alim,Ya Razzaq,Ya Mujib,,
ya Allah,Ya Rahman,Ya Rahim..
segala puji-pujian hanya untk Mu Ya Allah
O Allah
u created d sun,u created d cloud
u give us d sunshine
u also give us d rains
n after dat he'll give us rainbow
O Allah,
thank you Allah
u still give me d pieces of RahmatMu
and rezeki Mu
though im such a bad slave
O Allah
manusia merancang
Allah juga merancang
n perancangan Allah adalah yg terbaek
aku hamba hanya mampu merintih
mengadu padaMu
O Allah,,
lend us d strength
thats all for d day...
p/s:congrates guys who made it to final year,n those who are given 2nd chance,,my prays are always wit u!n those who x made it dis time,Allah has a better plan for u,never lost hope,never lost faith in Him,,,